The Florida Institute of Technology Digital Collections serves the online community by presenting unique information from the Library’s on-site Special Collections and University Archives. The primary objective in providing access to these digital resources is for educational and research purposes.
Our collections depict pioneers in a variety of fields:
- Edwin A. Link is known as the Father of Flight Simulation. He is equally well known for building submersibles to safely explore archeological sites underwater. His wife, Marion C. Link, published books and articles about her husband's accomplishments.*
- Edmund Skellings, Poet Laureate Emeritus of Florida, was among the first to use computer technology to create a wider audience for poetry.
- General John Bruce Medaris made his mark by directing the United States’ first successful space program, ushering in the modern age of space technology.
- Radiation Inc. Archives is a repository of a nationally recognized electronics company recognized in mid-Twentieth Century as the "go-to place" for advanced radio communications.
- The Honorable Dave Weldon served as Representative to the United States Congress for seven terms from 1995-2008. He represented the Space Coast in the 15th District of Florida.
- Scott J. Frisch, Senior Systems/Software Analyst and Test Engineer, developed software applications for the aerospace industry. He worked at Kennedy Space Center, Lockheed Martin, McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marietta, Boeing, General Dynamics and General Electric.
Digitized items from the collections include:
- audio and video recordings
- correspondences
- interviews
- manuscripts
- maps and charts
- pamphlets
- programs
- photographs
- publications
*A complementary collection of materials were donated by the Links to Binghamton University-Libraries: Research and Collections: Edwin A. and Marion C. Collections
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